The Eleventh Commandment

A Desperate Attempt to Enlighten the Modern Barbarian

Vladimir Vassin

Copyright © 1995 by Vladimir Vassin


Becker, Carl . "Modern Democracy." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                         Philosophy Now.  New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Cassirer, Ernst .  "An Essay on Man." As quoted in Neal Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death.
                              New York. Penguin, 1986.

Dewey, John .  "Human Nature and Conduct." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                          Philosophy Now. New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

__________ . "Reconstruction in Philosophy." In Oliver A. Johnson, ed., Ethics. New York /
                        Chicago / San Francisco / Toronto/London. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.

Einstein, Albert . "Why Socialism?" As quoted in Erich Fromm, The Sane Society.
                              New York. Fawcett Premier, 1955.

Fromm, Erich The Art of Loving.  New York. Bantam, 1963.

___________.   Escape From Freedom.  New York. Avon, 1965.

___________.  Man for Himself.  New York / Chicago / San Francisco / Toronto / London.
                         Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964.

___________.  May Man Prevail?  New York. Anchor, Doubleday, 1961.

___________.  The Revolution of Hope.  New York. Bantam, 1968.

___________.  The Sane Society.  New York. Fawcett Premier, 1955.

___________.  To Have or to Be?  New York. Bantam, 1981.

Hook, Sidney .  "Neither Blind Obedience Nor Uncivil Disobedience."
                            In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds., Philosophy Now.
                            New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Huxley, Aldous After Many a Summer Dies the Swan.
                             Harmondsworth, England. Penguin, 1965.

_______.  Brave New World Revisited.  New York. Harper & Row, 1990.

_______.  Collected Essays.  New York. Bantam, 1964.

_______.  The Doors of Perception.  New York. Harper & Row, 1965.

_______.  Jesting Pilate.  London. Chatto & Windus, 1957.

_______.  Music at Night.  Harmondsworth, England. Penguin, 1955.

_______.  Those Barren Leaves.  Harmondsworth, England. Penguin, 1964.

Ichheiser, Gustav .  "Discussion: On `Tolerance' and `Fanaticism'."
                                   In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds., Philosophy Now.
                                   New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Koestler, Arthur . "Man--One of Evolution's Mistakes?"
                                In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds., Philosophy Now.
                                New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Marcuse, Herbert . "Repressive Tolerance." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                                  Philosophy Now.  New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Passmore, John . "The Perfectibility of Man." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                              Philosophy Now.  New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Postman, Neal .   Amusing Ourselves to Death.  New York. Penguin, 1986.

Sartre, Jean Paul . "Existentialism and Humanism." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                                Philosophy Now.  New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Shaw, G. Bernard Annajanska.  As quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations.
                                 Macmillan, 1980.

Skinner, B. F.   Beyond Freedom and Dignity.  New York. Bantam/Vintage, 1972.

Vizinczey, Stephen .  "In Praise of Older Women." In Paula R. Struhl and Karsten J. Struhl, eds.,
                                    Philosophy Now.  New York/Toronto. Random House, 1972.

Wilder, T. N.   The Matchmaker.  As quoted in John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations .
                         Macmillan, 1980.

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