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I went on to reflect, I set my mind to inquire and search for wisdom and for the reason of things, only to discover that it is folly to be wicked and madness to act like a fool.
2.6 Intelligence and Stupidity
3.3 Awareness—Coming out of the Eggshell
3.4 Knowledge, Understanding, Intuition
3.5 Intelligence, Reason, Wisdom—Is There a Difference?
3.6 Objectivity, Logic (the Forgotten Subject)
3.8 Good and Evil—the Uneven Struggle
3.9 Moral Values—Mine, Yours, Theirs?
3.10 Conscience—the Silenced Voice
3.12 Love, Consideration, Respect
3.13 Cooperation—We Use It When We Choose It
3.14 Happiness—Is It Moral to Be Happy?
3.15 Spirituality and Religiosity
3.16 Dignity, Integrity—Selling to the Highest Bidder
3.17 Moderation, Control of Animal Instincts and Irrational Passions
3.19 Democracy—the Most Utopian of All Utopias
3.20 Humanism—Not Yet a Science
4.2 Herd Mentality, Conformity
4.4 Hedonism, Consumerism, Materialism
5.5 Hypocrisy, Demagoguery, Showmanship
5.7 Manipulation, Brainwashing, and the Distortion of Values
5.10 Culture, Traditions, and Customs
5.17 Tolerance of Violence, Crime, and Stupidity
5.20 Politics—the Universal Attraction
5.21 Nationalism and Patriotism—Our Form of Incest
5.23 Economics—the Eternal Puzzle
5.24 Arms Trade—Crime and No Punishment
5.25 Law—It Pays to Keep Things Complicated
5.27 Education—on the Wrong Track
5.28 Science and Technology—Gods or Tools?
5.31 Institutionalized Religion—a Lucrative Business
6.3 Poverty, Hunger, and Homelessness
6.12 Drugs, Prostitution, and Gambling
7.4 Constitutional World Government (CWG)